Ape @ KOFA this Monday…

Ape poster

I’m sure I’m the only person interested, but the Korean Film Archive is showing some old SF movies this month. That is, this weekend and Monday. My Friday is already spoken for, and I have a DVD of Yonggary here, but I’ve never seen Ape (1976) and I’ve heard it’s deliciously awful, and since I’m researching Korean SF at the moment, — and it is apparently some kind of a Korean-American co-production — I am definitely going to see it.

It’s playing at 2pm this Monday at the KOFA theater. I’m sure I’m the only one deranged enough to be willing to inflict Ape upon himself, but if any reader in or around Seoul dares to brave the madness, please find me after — I’ll be the only other person there, I’m sure, but just in case I’ll be probably looking like this by the end of the flick — and we can go for a coffee or an early beer after. (3:30pm is early, but if the film’s as bad as I’ve heard…)

Here’s the movie’s sparse info page (at KOFA, and at IMDB) and here’s the KOFA’s schedule info page, and the map (with instructions) to the theater. I’ve never been, so I will be trying to turn up early so as to find my way. I’ll probably also be taking a taxi from the subway station if it’s as bloody hot as it has been lately.

2 thoughts on “Ape @ KOFA this Monday…

  1. Oho! They’re playing ltos of neat stuff, now that I look where you linked! I may go by on Sunday as well… lots of funny stuff on there then! (And I may stay longer on Monday, too.)

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