Travel and WorldCon Update

This is just a small update to note that I’m doing very well. Yes, I failed to win the Campbell Award, but I was happy to congratulate David Anthony Durham in person (and tease him about his, er, tiara). The WorldCon was a blast, and my trip leading up to it has also been. A BLAST.

I’m off to Toronto tomorrow, and I’ll write more about the trip on the train assuming I’ll be able to get wifi enroute, which is what Via Rail claims. (Dangerous, since I have some other writing I need to get done!)

So, more update coming soon!

2 thoughts on “Travel and WorldCon Update

  1. Jean-Louis,

    It was amazing seeing you guys again, and by the way, I think I know now why I got Leopold’s name wrong: yes, there’s a reason I called him “Hugo.” Hahaha. Man, nominations mess up your head.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys again next time I’m in North America! Eastern Canada!

    (I’ll be in North America this November, supposedly, but quite far from where you guys are…)

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