
Wow! Well, it seems like the ESL section of my website is more popular than I imagined. There are tons of teachers out there doing what we teachers do best… stealing goodies from other teachers, namely me. It makes me happy to see it going on. Another teacher, in New Zealand, has sent me some […]

Hot Profs Score More?

Here’s article about how more attractive professors score higher on student evaluations. Now I am curious to see what my student evaluations will look like. In Montreal, I was a lot heavier and I scored pretty well, but I thought it was all the time and work I put into my teaching. Maybe it was […]

이발 아프다!

내… 금요일에, 좋은 주말 보고싶었지만 금요일 아침에 일작 일어났어… 왜? 원야하면 사랑니 하나 너무 너우 아프다! 오늘은 칙과에 가야되… 아이고. 언재 재미 있는 주말 있을 수 있어요? 하지만 오재 오후 부터 밤까지 좋은 친구 만났고 공나물 국밥 먹었고 이상한 영화 봤어요. 만남는 시간에 이상한 것은 많이 봤지만 좋은 금요일 이였어요. 빨리 칙과에 가요… 안녕!