Over at the USS Clueless, the Captain is busy bringing up the most idiotic examples of leftist criticism and smashing them down. Does anyone know the word “strawman”? It doesn’t just mean “imaginary idiotic argument”, it can quite easily mean “real idiotic argument not espoused by anyone who matters.” I know these ignorant rhetoric-spouting leftist whingers, believe me, and despite my sympathies (I dislike most of what they dislike, to be honest), they embarass me.
But it doesn’t make Bush acceptable, or the situation in America or Iraq acceptable, either.
However, shooting fish in the barrel is the sport of the lazy man. I am not surprised it happens on most of the most popular blogs online. It’s just disappointing.
(And by the way I think the same of leftwingers who sit around saying we should censor Ann Coulter. I mean, we should have popular discussion of her, so people can see what a f*cking moron she is, yes. The only credible argument I’ve seen for silencing her, though, was made by a right-winger who said she was hurting the right…)