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Games, Simulation, and Learning

The Adrenaline Vault | The Developers Corner

This little blurb made me think of my sister’s job, teaching kids about what it means to be a refugee basicallyh by inflicting on them a slightly padded experience of being a refugee. It’s her comments about that which make me wonder about how effective electronic simulations can be for many many types of learning. After all, in games one can learn to shoot people to pieces, but I am not sure it’s so easy in real life. The visceral part is missing, and sometimes (often?) that is the most cruciual thing. Still, using computers and game-like simulations might be an important part – even and extremely important part – of the way we learn a lot of things in the future, and it’s probably worthwhile as a component of a larger learning project (just as my sister’s organization’s refugee course also includes a classroom component).

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