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Another Baby Cheer!

Myoung called me just now, this morning, to inform me that Mer had given birth to a healthy baby boy last night, whose name is Luca (or is it Luka? I’m not sure). When I heard the name, I said what people of my generation will probably ask a lot, “You mean like the song, ‘My Name Is Luca’?” Which is a stupid thing to say, but anyway, that’s what I said.

They’re at the hospital and were having breakfast when Myoung called. Mer and the baby are both fine and Myoung sounded quite happy. Well, I am glad that I finished making my present to the little fellow the other day, then! I think Luca’s a lucky little boy to have those two as his parents.

Anyway, I gotta get my breakfast into me and get me to campus.

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