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What Happened To the Weekend?

The weekend’s over, waaah, I sob and whine to myself and roll over, now suddenly awake, and consult my only alarm clock: my cell phone.

It’s 6:30 in the morning, and if I didn’t need to go to the bathroom so badly, I’d be asleep again in an instant; except that I do need the bathroom. Desperately. Last night, I fell asleep dizzy and weak from some kind of bad intestinal activity and, well, what do you know? It’s finally worked its way through me.

So I write up the syllabuses (syllabi?) for my classes. It takes an hour. You know, all of these little preparations take so long. Nobody thinks of that when they think of teaching. Perhaps teachers outside of elementary school here don’t do such prep work? I have two distinctly different classes—one of them is a writing course, and for that, I have to do another hour or three of preparation work every week, above and beyond class hours. Now, granted, I’m trying to streamline it. I planned on turning it into an in-class diarizing/editing class, except that the level of a number of the students is high enough that, unlike last semester, I could actually work with these people on their writing. Mind you, if the full registration turns up, it may have to become that. But last week only ten or eleven students came to class.

So anyway, there I am, finished with my syllabi, and feeling sick in the gut, and wondering what to do with myself for the morning. I update my main index template, too. And then I try read through a little of this new comic book I got, a Korean-language thing called 놀부가 기가막혀! which didn’t in the bookstore, look too terribly above my level, I was disappointed while shopping with Lime; all the really interesting-looking comic books, about things like The Chinese Three Kingdoms Period, were all written using archaic Korean. She agreed with me that it’s be a little like reading Shakespeare in the hope of learning to speak contemporary English, and we gave up on the Three Kingdoms books.

But this Nolbu book looked okay; apparently it’s supposed to teach kids principles in basic economics, but the reason I took it was because when Lime read through it, she laughed pretty hard. If it’s that funny, it might just be worth trying to read. And in addition, it is written in the local dialect (which makes sense, what with this being historically the biggest backwater in the country and what with the story being set in a backwater country village); well, that’s the dialect with which I am most familiar and comfortable (a little bit, anyway), so that’s fine with me.

I just wish I hadn’t made the mistake of trying to read it while feeling as dizzy and weird-bellied as I feel right now. Ugh! It’s a bad, bad feeling.

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