For North American eclexys Readers

Sorry to limit this offer to North America, but the mag publishers asked. Not the biggest outfit in the world… yet. So, some readers will remember that I’m writing a blogging-women column for the new Canadian Womens’ magazine Cahoots. I’ve also made a couple of other contributions, for which I’m now apparently getting paid — whee! — but anyway, in lieu of payment for past contribs, I’ve got subscriptions to offer to readers in North America. It’s a womens’ magazine, and has nothing to do with SF, by the way. It’s kind of, well, empowered, Canadian, not-ranting but definitely-not-Cosmo. But …

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In Melbourne Again…

I arrived in Melbourne on Saturday morning, and saw kangaroos. The pictures I took of them all turned out screwy. Then it was time for my friend Charlie’s stag party, which consisted of pints with several people, including these lads: Then I went on to Canberra, and hung out with my Clarion class-mate, ie. mate, Ian, and his wife and daughter: Now I’m in Melbourne again. Wedding Friday night, arrival in Korea Sunday afternoon, classes start Monday. Posts unlikely before the Singapore airport at best. Take care all…

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