… busy. Aside from work stuff, there have been reasons for me to leave the house almost every day this week. Last night was the most unusual one — a party for people who worked on a textbook. I proofread, and so I got invited along. Food, and drink, and some good conversation. I met a (lit?) professor at Hong Ik who is into SF. And one of the editors of the book I proofread remarked on my place of birth, Malawi.
How did she know? She’d come and read this page. This surprised me, and I am taking it as an alarm call. For a long time, I’ve been thinking about this website as something that dangerously skirts the line between a professional presence online and a “personal blog.” I post about my writing, I post about work, I post rants about being nearly-attacked at subway stations — it’s been a kind of kitchen-sink blog.
I think it’s time for that to change. I ordered some cute business cards and I would like to be able to hand them out. To do that, I think I need to have this page be the sort of thing I’d be comfortable having just about anyone visit — my students, my co-workers, my friends, people I don’t know.
So it seems to me, this site needs to be changed somewhat. I don’t know exactly how, nor do I know exactly when this will happen, but I suspect it’s going to be in late February, since I am leaving for Laos (and then Thailand) in a few short days.
So anyway, if you end up looking at the RSS feed sometime, and finding an announcement that the blog feed has changed, that’s why. I’ll probably continue to use this site to organize my posts, and may even simply partition the “bloggy” stuff with a slightly different template just to suggest the difference in content and its gravity. Or I might leave all the “bloggy” stuff off here, inaccessible, and start using the crosspost feed on Livejournal as the main “blog.” I don’t know yet, but I am thinking about it.
And now, off for a course-planning meeting, to be followed by beer and discussion. Must go. NOW.