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It Worked

If you’re a Boing-Boing reader, no point in trying — you know what’s in this video and it won’t work. But if you aren’t, then watch this video once, paying careful attention to how many times the balls are passed between people. Count ’em up. Make sure you get the exact number of passes.

Here’s the video.

Then click and see what to do next. DON’T read this until you’ve counted up the exact number of passes.

Watch the video a second time, paying no particular attention to the passes. Just watch and see what happens. Yes, that’s a person in a gorilla suit, whom you did not notice walk across the screen.

I knew about it when I saw the video, and so noticed it right away. But I tried it out on Lime, who was unsuspecting, and she didn’t see the gorilla till the second time.

Here’s why, and here’s the Boing-Boing link where I found this.

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