Recent stuff you might have missed, or want to check out, in case you don’t notice it over in the sidebar:
- For those of you in the UK, the December 2008 issue of InterZone, containing my story “Country of the Young,” is now on shelves in the UK. It’s the first in a projected series of tales set in a future North Korea. The best future North Korea I can imagine, in fact. This one’s a train wreck of love, ideology, immigration, and biotech. It’s not available online, but it’s mentioned very positively in this review at The Fix.
- StarShipSofa put out a great podcast my story “Dhuluma No More.” (Forthcoming: an interview, and a podcast of “Lester Young and the Jupiter’s Moons’ Blues.” Both of these stories first appeared in Asimov’s SF.) If you’d like to read them, Fictionwise carries copies of both July ’08 issue (for “Lester Young…”) and the Oct/Nov ’08 issue (for “Dhuluma”), plus tons of other great fiction by people to whom I would bow deeply if I met them in person.
- My most recent publication, “Wonjjang and the Madman of Pyongyang,” is now available as part of the annual Canadian speculative fiction anthology Tesseracts Twelve. It’s a story of the personal and professional travails of the Korean leader of an international team of superheroes working in South Korea. It was included in Rich Horton’s recommended reading in the November issue of Locus, and highlighted in his review of the book.
- I published an article over at Clarkesworld on the role of SF memes and tropes in the Korean beef protests of summer 2008, titled, “How Candle Girl and V Took on 2MB.”
- My fall installment of my column XY appeared in Cahoots magazine, asking, “Why are Women More Religious?” (Yeah, yeah, on average, not every woman, I know!) Follow the link for some sociobiology-informed musings, nothing more.
- I presented this paper on culture, politics, and aesthetics of Korean SF cinema at the 4th International Congress of Korean Studies in September.
That’s a busy two months, really! Sadly, I have very little forthcoming after this, so it’s time to get back to writing, I guess!