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Hugo Bids? Send the Sofa Some Love

I’m not really campaigning for a Hugo or a Nebula or anything like that, folks. 2009 was a very slow year for me, and the short story competition is huge. I love both of my published stories from 2009, but I’m much more excited about the stories coming out in 2010. Still, I guess I’m duty-bound to point out that “Cai and Her Ten Thousand Husbands” (at Apex) and “Of Melei, of Ulthar” (at Clarkesworld) are my two eligible stories.

However, I wanted to draw attention to the bid Starship Sofa is making for Best Fanzine nomination. This isn’t just a case of pimping — apparently a change in the wording of the rules for nominating Hugo candidates makes it possible for podcasts to be nominated (as discussed here) but not everyone realizes it’s possible, or that podcasts could be eligible for such prizes. And well they should be: podcasts are an important venue emerging on the SF/F fiction scene, and Starship Sofa is a regular kickass fanzine party, deserving of the recognition.

To hear more about why Starship Sofa ought to win (or at least be nominated for) a Hugo, check out this MP3, recorded by Matthew Sanborn Smith. I agree with him: the Sofa is like a big huge pirate ship that picks up willing joiners at every harbour — and having ridden it occasionally myself as a contributor, I have to say it’s a jolly good crew they have, who couldn’t wish for a finer captain. So… nominate The Sofa, folks. I will be…

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