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Another Prodigal Reprint

I got another book in the post the other day! Supposedly the publication date for this one in in July, but it seems available at some places, at least:

Somehow, my shaggy dog story has been reprinted in three languages so far—Chinese and Czech, along with English—and appeared in two Year’s Best collections so far! This one is The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Thirty-Fourth Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois  and published by St. Martin’s Griffin (which is MacMillan).

It’s the second time Gardner has selected one of my stories to appear in his annual anthology, and as always it’s an honour, one compounded by the excellent company in which my work finds itself. I’m always very happy to look at the Table of Contents and marvel at some of the names alongside whom my work is appearing.

If you’d like a copy, you can find it ebook, trade paper, and hardcover editions at an array of places including,, and Noble, iBooks, Kobo,, Google Play, Books-A-Million, Indiebound, and Powells. (All those links are taken from the publisher’s website.) Or try your local bookstore. Those still exist somewhere, right? (If you’re in Korea, I guess that’d be, who do offer the book as well.)

(Oh, and there was a slight miscommunication that ended up in my bio. My wife and I were working on stories for a forthcoming anthology of Korean SF in English translation, but we’re not doing the anthology ourselves: rather, we’re just contributing. More on that when it’s on the publication horizon.)

There’s more stuff creeping toward the horizon, but I’ll update about that later. Too much to get done today!

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