So, my first real RPG project has been published as of a few weeks ago, and it out in the wild! It’s bananas seeing pictures being posted and seeing the first few reactions to it out there. I haven’t posted about it here because, let’s face it, the blog has lain mostly dormant for years. (Long story, for another time.) But man, look at this book: The adventure is set in a brewing monastery, because, you know, write what you know? Okay, I’m not a monk, but I know a fair bit about beer and historical brewing, and was reading …

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Wait for Me Journal, Entry 1

This entry is part 1 of 23 in the series Playing "Wait for Me"

So, I backed this journaling game on Kickstarter called Wait for Me, written by Jeeyon Shim and Kevin Kulp, and I figured I’d play the game now, here, on my blog. Why not? They’re emailing out the prompts for this journaling game, one at a time on a daily basis, so I’m going to blog them as I work my way through, possibly with some delays. 

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