One day, got the notion, in the ocean one day, thought that he would learn to swim; That day, must admit he was a fool, that day, went straight to the swimming pool. Signed up, took a class down at the YMCA, with families, children and their mothers, fathers, reclining in the hot tubs and the saunas, There he was among them, a pink unicorn…
Author: gordsellar
Yes, that’s right, I finally have some big news. First and foremost, the Dabang website is up. You can go visit it: I am so pleased. On the site there are loads of pictures, links, media, and other stuff related to our band. I have just (a few minutes ago) added sample tracks to the CD info page. We will get to work on making a Korean version of the web page soon.
Shivaji and the Ecstasy of Butter and Fire
26 March 2003/ Dabang – Shivaji and the Ecstasy of Butter and Fire This track is a bit of an oddity, perhaps the heaviest track on the band’s CD which is titled Pig Over Seoul. It features a poem I’d recently gotten published in Matrix Magazine in Montreal, and which Myoung asked me to read at the studio to fill out the track. I had a horrible cold at the time, which made my voice sound downright evil. I’m happy with the effect. We’re currently trying to figure out how to get someone to perform this poem during some of …
Just Got Home
I just got back from a weekend in Seoul. We played at a club called Bbang (Bread) and our lead singer Myoung Jae’s mother came up from Sydney, Australia to see us! The highlight of the evening was seeing her and two of her sisters (I think they were her sisters or relatives?) singing along and waving their arms in the air to our one traditional tune, the Bet Norae (Boat Song). It was fun to see a crowd having fun with us. My friends Dong Han and Sun Hwa came out to see us, which was really nice.
Live Rock Clubs in Sinchon
I’m posting this link for my own use, but anyone else who is curious should also follow it: it’s a page about live clubs in the Sinchon area of Seoul. I need that to get to our gig at Club Bbang (Bread Club) this Saturday.