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“… For Your Nation…”

Okay, so, imagine you’re a trilingual Korean. When you’re interviewed by a certain nationalistic, ridiculous TV station — not that I’ll name it specifically, ahem — and they explain the ridiculously low pay they’re offering by explaining that you are, in being offered this job, given a chance to do work “for your nation,” which of the following do you do?

(a) laugh in the their face
(b) politely ask for more money knowing you won’t get it, and say, “Well, I can make more money teaching in a hakwon, so I think that would be wiser for me.”
(c) say, “Listen, you stupid poseur gyopo bitch, don’t tell me about good for my nation! How much do you make, while ‘serving your nation,’ huh? I speak three fucking languages, chiquita! I have connections overseas that you’re hoping to use! I have brains enough to know I’m worth more than that to you, but you have no hope of hiring me when you patronize me with nationalism like that, much less when it’s nationalism you think I grew up with and naively swallowed! Puh-leaaaaaze!”
(d) giggle to yourself about how this ridiculous building will look when shrouded in flames someday soon

You can probably guess which one Miss Jiwaku did. She’s a little more sane than me.

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