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Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard, Vol. 2, by Various Artists

This entry is part 6 of 56 in the series 2022 Reads

Like with Volume 1, I read to my eager and happy son, who loved it as much as the first, and was just as eager to get to the third volume. (We finished it long after his bedtime and he was yawning but still was upset when I told him we’d do the third book the following day.)

I liked how the range of styles and approaches expanded. One of the “tales” is in the form of a song, and I am curious to try see if I can figure out a way of making a nice recording out of it! Some of the stories are told only in images, some in radically different illustration styles, and the last one, designed to look it was done with woodcuts, was especially cool. 

(My son agreed with me also in approving June’s praise for one story where a king refrained from giving his daughter away as a prize to one of the mice who saved her, but still rewarded them handsomely for their heroism.)    

Series Navigation<< <em>Mouse Guard: Legends of the Guard</em>, Vol. 1, by Various Artists<em>Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction Writing and Workshopping</em> by Matthew Salesses and <em>The Anti-Racist Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom</em> by Felicia Rose Chavez >>
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