- The Music of Jo Hyeja Proceeds Apace
- The Music of Jo Hyeja is a Go…
- What I’ve Learned Shooting The Music of Jo Hyeja, Day1
- What I’ve Learned Shooting The Music of Jo Hyeja, Day 2
- What I’ve Learned Shooting The Music of Jo Hyeja, Day 3
- What I’ve Learned Shooting The Music of Jo Hyeja, Day 4
- The Music of Jo Hyeja: An Update (AKA My Work Begins)
- The Score for The Music of Jo Hyeja OST: Composed, But Rough
- The Music of Jo Hyeja — “Music” Finished, Sort Of
- The Music of Jo Hyeja: Audio Work Done
- The Music of Jo Hyeja: Done!
- Whew…
- Koreanizing Lovecraft (on a Budget)
- The Music of Jo Hyeja Trailer
- Brutal Rice Films—Out and Coming Soon!
I was so busy last week, I forgot to mention: The Music of Jo Hyeja is finished, finished, finished. Well, sort of. The film itself is finished, and could be screened tomorrow, as it stands.
Of course, we still need to make a trailer, and a poster, but the film was finished in time for us to send it out to one film festival (so far, with more to come). I need to research the deadlines for some others, as we may as well submit to as many as possible, and there are a number it’s suitable for.
The interesting thing about finishing a project like this is… you suddenly find yourself asking, “What next?” The answer to that question depends on whether you ask myself, or Miss Jiwaku. I am going to start working on a feature-length script of some kind: either an original Lovecraftian story set in Korea, or else some kind of SF narrative set in near-future or present-day Korea.
Miss Jiwaku, however, has a different project in mind for the late spring and summer: a political fantasy film about South Korean social anxieties and pressures; specifically, an paranormal investigator-ish narrative with human metamorphoses, high drama, and more.
Meanwhile, I’m struggling to meet some deadlines, keep on top of my teaching (my classload is insane this semester, and I must make sure to refuse a similar load next semester — it’s not humanly possible to do this well), and trying to stay productive in my writing. About which, if I start commenting now, I’ll never stop, but I need to sleep soon, so… I’ll end this now.
But… yay!