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Cantico del Seoul

This entry is part 51 of 72 in the series SF in South Korea

by Gord Sellar

The thought of what Korea would be like
If space opera had a wide circulation
Troubles my sleep,
The thought of what Korea,
The thought of what Korea,
The thought of what Korea would be like
If space opera had a wide circulation
Troubles my sleep.
빨리 나가라! Now lettest thou thy professor,
Now lettest thou thy professor
Drink in peace!
The thought of what Korea,
The thought of what Korea,
The thought of what Korea would be like
If space opera had a wide circulation…
Oh well!
It troubles my sleep.

(With no apologies to Ezra Pound; no, no… none at all.)

But I will post something a little more serious on the subject soon… or, well, eventually. There are a few updates to be made in this series, after all.

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