This is a table of contents for my Blogging Ezra Pound’s The Cantos series here on my blog. Below are the links to the Cantos (and other texts) that I’ve already discussed. The project—or, rather, I suppose, the angle at which I’ve approached it—is a bit unusual, for reasons explained in the first post.
Without further ado:
Blogging Ezra Pound’s The Cantos: Series Contents
- Ezra Poundings – The Reboot
- Canto I
- The Traneumentary, Shooting for Trane, and Pound/Trane in Comparison
- Canto II
- Canto III
- The Ur-Cantos
- Canto IV
- Canto V
- Cantos VI and VII
- Cantos VIII-IX (The Malatesta Cantos, Part 1)
- Cantos X-XI (The Malatesta Cantos, Part 2)
- Cantos XII-XIII (Baldy Bacon and Kung)
- “Ezra Poundings”
- Pound and the Occult: Leon Surette’s The Birth of Modernism: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, and the Occult
- Cantos XIV-XV (“The Hell-Cantos”)
- Canto XVI — Ending “A Draft of XVI Cantos”
- Canto XVII — Toward “A Draft of Cantos 17-27”
- Canto XVIII & XIX
- Poundmania: On Process and Plans
- Canto XX – XXII
- Cantos XXIII – XXIV
- Cantos XXV-XXVI
- A Study From Ontario: Leon Surette’s A Light From Eleusis: A Study of Ezra Pound’s Cantos
- Canto XXVII
- Ezra Pound Posts Delayed
- The Mays of Ventadorn by W.S. Merwin
- Cantos XL-XLI
- Cantos XLII-XLV
- Cantos XLVIII
- Reading the Cantos: A Study of Meaning in Ezra Pound by Noel Stock
- Canto XLIX
- Canto L
- Canto LI
- Canto LII
- Canto LIII
- Canto LIV
- Canto LV (Plus, What Do Ezra Pound, Robert Howard, J.R.R. Tolkien, H.P. Lovecraft, and Sun Ra Have In Common?)
- Canto LVI & LVII
- More on Canto LVII, and Canto LVIII
- Canto LIX
- Canto LX
- Canto LXI
- Canto LXII
- Canto LXIII
- Canto LXIV
- Canto LXV
- Canto LXVI
- Canto LXVII
- Canto LXVIII
- Cantos LXIX and LXX
- Canto LXXI
- Cantos LXXII and LXXIII (“The Fascist Cantos”)