Practice Log, 4 September–6 October 2024

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series 2024 Practice Log

As usual for the start of semester, I got busy and wasn’t able to practice as much as I’d like in September. Hell, I didn’t even do up the altissimo charts I’d been planning to make, though I hope to get those done during the midterm break in a few weeks. (I’d like to have printed charts to practice from, honestly.) Mostly I played tenor and soprano, followed a little by alto. My bari’s been languishing. My practice sessions often have consisted of either Ferling or Klosé etudes—favoring the latter—followed by a tone study on one or another folk tune …

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Practice Log, 8 August–3 September 2024

This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series 2024 Practice Log

Practice continues apace, or maybe just a little heavier than before. My soprano sax got a basic tune-up last week and it plays a lot better than it was. It was previously a struggle to play, but now any problems that exist are down to my own chops and breath support. For that reason, while I was concentrating on tenor for most of August, I’ve been playing almost exclusively on soprano the last week or so.   I’m still working up personalized altissimo charts, with my Teal book all marked up in terms of what works for alto. (Tenor’s next, then …

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July-August Reads

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series 2024-Reads

July was something of a slow month for reading, since I was teaching as summer intensive course and working with my wife on a book-length translation project. That said, I did finish a few books I’d had on the go for a while, and launched into some new ones in August.  August wasn’t exactly slow, but I read less than I’d thought I might. 

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Reading Nobilis 2nd Edition (The “Great White Book”) and The Game of Powers

First, a brief note. This post is one that sat unpublished on my blog since 2019—one of many such posts. For some reason, after having a kid, I kept writing blog posts, but stopped publishing them. I’ve decided to revisit and publish some of those old languishing posts, because why not? They’re a mixed bag of topics, but include a lot of reviews of RPG books I’ve accumulated over the years.  So, well, anyway, everything beneath the line is something I wrote five years ago. I still haven’t had a chance to play Nobilis, and suspect I never will get …

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Site Remodeled

I didn’t post about it, but last week I changed the theme for my site and cut a bunch of deadweight junk from the sidebar. I think the website looks a lot better now, though I still want to build a static front page for when people stumble onto it via Google. (However rarely that happens, for now.) I also need to rethink the navigation menus, and how some of the information accessible through them isn’t organized quite how I’d like… but that’s not so much of a priority right now, especially since I’m going to have to spend countless …

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