It’s 2024, and the blogosphere has been passé for over a decade*, so I don’t get a ton of comments here anymore. One type of comment I do still sometimes get is the drive-by-snipe.
Practice Log, 1-7 August 2024
Although I started getting physiotherapy for my back problem, I’ve still managed to be quite consistent with practicing over the past week, though I had to miss a couple of days—one due to my wife’s schedule, and another due to inability to book the practice room when I was available. I’ve continued with the Ferling studies and also working my way through the altissimo fingerings in the Larry Teal. I should be doing a couple of altissimo fingering charts for myself soon, one for alto and one for tenor. (I haven’t started working on that on my bari yet.) When …
Practice Log, 22-31 July 2024
Last week, practice was a bit of a mess. I had trouble booking the room on a couple of days—the practice space I use has been getting busy!—and I also caught a cold, which usually occasions time off practice for me. On the days I did practice, I spent time on tunes as usual, but also on some Ferling Studies (yes, really!). I still am not sold on the idea I need to get these perfect, but they have some handy fingering exercises and challenges in them, even if they’re not really my kind of thing to play. It’s wild …
Sounds From the Isle of Joy Now Available
I had a lot of nervous energy to burn during the Isle of Joy Kickstarter, and I let off steam by making music. At some point I realized that I was making an Isle of Joy soundtrack, so we decided to release it for free to all backers of the campaign. If you’re a backer, you should have received a code to download it free about a month ago. (Some people have been having issues with the codes, I’m not sure why. They email saying that their code is not working, but it’s still on the list of unredeemed codes. …
Isle of Joy In the Wild
So, I’ve been getting lovely messages containing images like this for the last couple of days: People are starting to receive their copies of Isle of Joy. It’s lovely to see the book out there in the world, and I’ve been hearing positive things from those who’ve received it, too. I should be seeing my own copy before too long, but for now I’m content to vicariously enjoy these sightings. It’s exciting to see the book in people’s hands! Oh, and if you missed the campaign, you can still order yourself a copy. There’s a link from the Kickstarter page, …