Prospect Magazine a worthwhile piece about Graham Greene written by Julian Evans; Greene is a novelist whose work is fairly available at the library where I work. Thanks to that fact plus the fact that my friend John Wendel sings Greene’s praises highly, I’m planning on reading what I can, while I can.
Excellent choice of an author! Greene was one of the giants of 20th Century English literature.
I’d recommend _The Quiet American_. I bought a photocopied version on the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, and devoured the novel in that city.
_The Power and the Glory_ has as its backdrop perhaps the worst religious persecution of the early Twentieth Century, which occured not in Stalinist Russia but in Mexico, where the Catholic Church was made completely illegal and driven underground. It’s the story of a “whisky priest” struggling more against himself than government repression. The priest’s final thoughts pretty much sum up the Catholic Faith.
_The End of the Affair_ examines the workings of Grace, particularly through Baptism, while describing an extra-martial affair. It is a bit similar to Evelyn Waugh’s _Brideshead Revisited_.
Cool. I think most of those books are in the library collection, and I have The Quiet American out on loan right now. I’ll give that a try and see what I think.