Start Wearing Purple

I know, I know, I’m way behind. Anyway, somewhere in the comment boards at Scott Eric Kaufman’s excellent Acephalous–my favorite, er, can I call it an “academic blog”?–someone teased Kaufman, asking “d’you think you maybe like Gogol Bordello too much?

Which made me immediately go and look ’em up, and man am I glad I did. Here’s one of the songs that amuses me to no end:

While this may be the first rock song I’ve heard that when the singer busts out a little braggadocio, proceeds to references both Diogenes and Foucault (let alone Passepartout, a Jules Verne character, and whoever the hell else he’s referencing), I have to admit that my favorite bit is when he calls himself… well, here’s the verse:

I know you since you were a twenty, I was twenty,
And thought that some years from now
A purple little little lady will be perfect
For dirty old and useless clown

For the record, there’s a little bit of background on the song’s origins here.

And as a bonus, a song slamming the Bible (“I don’t read the Bible! I don’t trust disciple!”) and celebrating the testing of superstring theory (“Accelerate the protons!”)…

I’d want to go drinking with these guys, but I suspect I wouldn’t survive it.


  1. Tristan says:

    I’d want to go drinking with these guys, but I suspect I wouldn’t survive it.

    That sums up everything to be said about this band.

  2. gordsellar says:

    :) It does, doesn’t it?

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