
All of these are real questions asked by students. What’s a faq? FAQ means: Frequently Asked Questions Frequently means "often". So a FAQ is a list of common questions and answers. Sometimes foreigners hear the same question many times in Korea. Are you American? Do you like kimchi? This FAQ answers these kinds of questions.

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All of these are questions I have really been asked at some point. What’s a faq? FAQ stands for "Frequently Asked Questions". It is a way for me to answer questions people ask me a lot. Foreigners in Korea get asked a lot of the same questions everyday. This is okay, but sometimes I wish I could simply give someone a link to a faq that would answer all of their questions without having to explain for the thousandth time that yes, I like kimchi, or that no, I am Canadian, not American. So, I created this faq.

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My Bio

I was born on March 4, 1974 in Blantyre, Malawi to Ghislaine Pineault, a French-Canadian, and Gordon Kinlay Sellar. To avoid confusion, my parents gave me the middle name Alexander, but kept the rest the same as my father at his father’s insistence. That makes me the 3rd Gordon in a row. But I much prefer to be called Gord. It’s also a lot easier for Koreans to pronounce (as “Go-duh”), which is helpful to me these days.

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