Series: Paranoia XP Reviews, Book-by-Book

This entry is part 1 of 21 in the series Reading Paranoia XP

A while back, I became fascinated with the classic RPG Paranoia. I’d seen advertisements for it in Dragon as a kid, and been curious, but of course it’d never been easily available where I lived as a kid. Well, in 2017, I ended up picking up everything in the “XP” line while it was still available—barely—through various online sellers. (The core book had gone way up in price, and a few supplements were so rare it took me a while to track down copies. Indeed, I was only able to get the Little Red Book by trading a module with …

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Reading Paranoia XP: Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex and The Little Red Book

This entry is part 4 of 21 in the series Reading Paranoia XP

This is another review of a Paranoia XP book, for those interested. If you’re not interested in a review of a 20-year old game book, well… skip it! In this case, I’ll be discussing the two smaller (mostly) playing-facing supplements for Paranoia. 

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