Another update on my practicing saxophone, mostly an accountability post but hey, maybe someone out there is following along.
Tag: my music
Another SuperCollider Thing
I’ve been busy over the weekend and wasn’t able to advance much in the book yet, but I did play around with SuperCollider a bit more. Here’s some recorded evidence: My old iMac was running out of memory near the end, which is why stuff got all glitchy near the end. Not for this reason but for other reasons, I’m upgrading to a newer Mac, so I won’t have that issue soon. For now, this feels a lot like twiddling knobs on an analog synth back in the day, which is undeniably fun… but I’m hoping that before long I’ll …
Learning Supercollider 1: Starting Out
So, a while back I saw a few videos of Dan Tepfer’s where he was exploring ideas like algorithmic music and visual representations of music. One video that really grabbed my attention was his exploration of canons and automated canon playback, which he posted on Instagram: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dan Tepfer (@dantepfer) At the time, I was struggling to write a prolation canon for this string quartet I’ve been slowly, off-and-on working on for the last month or so. Sadly, the rules Tepfer mentions don’t apply to prolation canons, only to simpler sequential …
In Their Shadows: Finished (Except…)
This is a follow-up on a music notation project I’ve mentioned recently. (I’ve been inputting the scores for pieces I still have handwritten manuscripts for. Some are lost, so this is the last one I have on hand.)
“In Their Shadows” Notation Notes: The Halfway Point
Well, I decided to notate one of the last pieces of music I wrote as a student. It’s the last one I still have a manuscript for that is worth notating, so I figured, why not?