So I’ve had the chance, in the past month, to play in a couple of sessions of Paranoia: High Programmers. The guy running it is… well, I don’t know much except that he’s in the States somewhere, and that he was kind enough to organize a game that I could join from half a world’s worth of timezones away. (Friday mornings Korean time, if anyone’s interested: he’s open to new players.) It’s been an interesting change of pace, and I thought I’d write a little about it here.
Tag: playstyles
You Get What You Put In, As Long as You’re Careful Who You Let In – #RPGaDay 2017, Day 21
August is RPGaDay month. Yep, a month solid of RPG-related posts, answering these questions: Today’s question is this: Which RPG does the most with the fewest words? I don’t know the definitive answer to that, though I’ve said earlier in this series that I admire the simplicity and clarity of Fiasco, and that I have to give credit to Mentzer, whose two slim manuals inthe D&D Basic red box launched millions of kids into the hobby of RPGing. I think, though, I’m going to take an alternate question, because I’m pretty far behind on how things have developed in recent …