Lately has been a complicated time for me. One of the things I have learned is that life is absolutely complicated, no matter how much we simplify it. It is complicated not just because of the other people in life, which is what is usually suggested by people. But life is also complicated because of what we are.
Month: July 2003
My Old Man And The Web
Well, I went ahead and, in an act less of narcicissm than curiosity and a desire to tabulate all the links containing any info about me online, I googled myself. Come on, like you’ve never done it? I found the stuff I already know about, plus some odd hits containing references to my dad. He had been working in quality assurance and also some R&D, I think, in the food treatment industry. Here’s a link where he is mentioned in connection to pea micronization, hemp sterilization, and on standards in Canadian grain regulations. Nice bit of oddness, that. :)