I am back from Seoul and having a hard time getting my computer to behave. It’s semi-stable, but there are little functions that are not working, to my great consternation. Anyway, I’ll get it working. Gotta de-frag the drive and I am thinking about getting a new, bigger hard drive. But I’ll need to make some specifications before buying it, since my PC doesn’t have a floppy disc drive (so I will need BIOS installed on it, or on a CD-ROM anyway… which might be possible, I don’t know, to install BIOS from a CD-ROM. I shall have to ask around…).
Seoul was good. I got some good books, picked up a digital camera with lenses and a fat memory card for a pretty good price, and spent time with both Sun Hwa (the fan I posted about recently) and my good friend and ex-student Hyun Hwa. I have pictures, and will post them (and comments about each visit) as soon as the PC’s drive is defragmented. Argh! Tech stuff!
Off to get that done, then…