“Eat Out Someone” (Not What You Think.)

Here are a couple of real gems from an essay I graded today, which was a crusade against fast food:

“If you eat out someone everyday, you can lose your relationship.”
“Everyone must eat their homes.”

Obviously, from a essay near the bottom of the grading pile, but still… amusing.


  1. Stephanie says:

    I feel so guilty for laughing but I can’t help it!

  2. gordsellar says:

    Oh, no, don’t. People laugh at my gaffes in Korean too. :) Learning a second or foreign language is a very amusing process full of funny gaffes like this.

  3. Charles says:

    I must admit that it was with great trepidation that I clicked on this post title when it appeared in my RSS reader.

    I kind of agree with the first one, though, especially if the person you’re eating out is not your girlfriend. That could definitely put a crimp in the relationship.

  4. gordsellar says:

    Heh. Maybe I should amend the post title?

    That it would. It would definitely cause problems.

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