Didn’t Have To Exaggerate

Last summer the Yellow Dust from China featured centrally in my story “The Country of the Young”, which is currently still a pending submission at Asimov’s SF. While a lot of the story featured exaggerations — in technology, and in the frightening power that corporations can have in a society in political transition, — one thing I didn’t really exaggerate was the Yellow Dust. I didn’t have to, it’s scary enough on its own. For those of my friends whose Korean ability is as bad as mine, this this link to the article where I got the pic might be …

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Hacking SK (Sky) Phones?

Anyone know anything about hacking an SK (Sky UM-7000 series) phone? After a long search, I’ve discovered that: Like every other website in Korea, it requires a Korean national ID, and the foreigner IDs don’t work. The website could register me by some alternate means, but it’s a rigmarole involving me having a freaking “sponsor” — just so I can download software in order to access my own phone. She’s understandably leery about entering all her personal information into a site for this purpose, given how little respect is given the privacy of customers these days (especially here). The necessary …

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