While I was holed up in a small, um, let’s call it a villa near Luang Nam Tha, my story “Pahwakhe” went online at Fantasy. It’s the first story I ever sold — what a welcome encouragement that was! — and it was the first of my Week 6 stories from Clarion West, back in 2006. Go read it! Now!
No, wait, wait, while you’ve on your way over, there’s also an Author Spotlight up too, which is essentially an interview with me by K. Tempest Bradford, and you can experience me waxing, oh, I have no idea, let’s just say waxing on and waxing off.
Enjoy… all for free, because Fantasy is that kind of rocking, generous online magazine that lets you do that. Show ’em love, alright?
I really liked the story.
Thanks, Beth!