UPDATE (17 Sept 2008): Aha, I’ve just gotten an update and the series of which my article is a part will run from the 23rd-25th of September, that is, next weekend. Keep your eyes peeled, I guess!
An edited version of these posts (mostly the first one) was supposed to appear in the Korea Herald around the end of last week. I check the editions for the dates I was told, and there was nothing. Anyone seen it?
If you have a copy lying around, please don’t toss it. I’d love a copy. It was supposed to be in the Expat Living section, but I couldn’t be bothered to leave campus and get a copy after doing so twice and finding it not having run on the dates I was told.
If you have, it, clip it and email me. If you’re willing to post me a copy (or save a copy for when you see me, if you’ve met me before) then I’ll reward you with something, er, zany, also in the post. Or a beer if we meet up in person. I’d just like to have a clipping for my publications pile.
Unless it hasn’t run, in which case, if you do see it, please let me know! I could use a spare clipping for my mom. She’d be shocked to see my writing something without climaterrorists, gloomy dystopian monstrosities, or academic jargon!
I’m in the same boat. . . and the expat living page of Korea Herald online doesn’t get updated often enough for me to trust that I’d spot it there in time to get my hands on a copy.
*sigh* Well, I’m going to hope that I can get a copy through Matthew…