Those who are reading this by feed will note that I’ve made some changes to the feed. Pretty much all I’ve really done is splice in my links and my (neglected) Flickr stream into the main feed. You’ll see updated links posted to, plus ay new photos that show up.
One reason is that I sometimes have links I’d like to post and share, but which I don’t feel really have enough to say about to write about them. One downside is that they won’t, I don’t think, appear on the Livejournal mirror of the site, but I’m not sure how dire an issue that is. (And LJ users can subscribe to my feed directly if they like, or even create an LJ syndication of the feed if they prefer.)
Let me know what you think. I’m considering creating a second feed with even more content — like Facebook updates, and maybe Twitter if I ever get onto it, though I’m slightly leery — but I wonder if anyone would prefer a plain-vanilla feed containing only blog content.