WorldCon Schedule

It seems people are posting their WorldCon schedules, so I’m going to post mine too, in case anyone wants to run into me or something…

When: Thu 21:00
Location: P-511BE
Title: East Meets West
Session ID: 255
All Participants: Chandra Rooney, Derwin Mak, Gord Sellar, June M.
Madeley, Feòrag NicBhrìde, Lila Garrott-Wejksnora, Hiroaki Inoue
Moderator: Derwin Mak
Description: Western fandom for manga and anime continues to grow.
Are we now seeing western examples influenced by the East? Are they
any good or just copies?

Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Media
AV/Internet request: None

When: Fri 15:30
Location: P-511D
Title: Constructing the Fantastic in Music
Session ID: 542
All Participants: Gord Sellar, Melissa Auf der Maur, Vincent
Docherty, F. Brett Cox, David Palumbo
Moderator: Vincent Docherty
Description: What are the sounds of fantasy? From Opera to the
atonal, with pan pipes, flutes and theramins, why does some music
immediately evoke the fantastical?
Duration: 1:30 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Human Culture
AV/Internet request: None
Notes: We will have a CD player available if you want to bring
anything along.

When: Sat 15:30
Location: P-513B
Title: The Asimov Story
Session ID: 727
All Participants: Edd Vick, Gord Sellar, Nancy Kress, Sheila
Williams, Connie Willis
Moderator: Sheila Williams
Description: A selection of writers whose work has appeared in
Asimov’s talk about stories accepted and rejected by the magazine’s

Duration: 1:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Creative Writing
AV/Internet request: None

When: Sun 14:00
Location: P-517ABC
Title: Hugo Award Rehearsal
Session ID: 1560
All Participants: Neil Gaiman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Taral Wayne, Tom
Doherty, Julie E. Czerneda, Alan F. Beck, Aliette de Bodard, Ann
VanderMeer, Beth Meacham, Bill Willingham, Cheryl Morgan, Christopher
J. Garcia, Cory Doctorow, Darlene Marshall, Dave Howell, David Anthony
Durham, David Hartwell, Elizabeth Bear, Ellen Datlow, Emma Hawkes,
Farah Mendlesohn, Gord Sellar, Gordon Van Gelder, Guy H. Lillian III,
Jay Lake, John Helfers, John Kessel, Jonathan Strahan, Karl Schroeder,
Kathryn Cramer, Kevin J. Maroney, Kij Johnson, Lillian Stewart Carl,
Lou Anders, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mike Resnick, Nancy Kress, Neil
Clarke, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Paul Cornell, Paul Kincaid, Rev. Randy
Smith, Sean Wallace, Stephen H. Segal, Yves Meynard, Steve Green,
Steven H Silver, Sue Mason, Tony Pi, Claude Lalumière, Mike Glyer,
John Hertz, John Scalzi, Stanley Schmidt, Charles Stross, John
Picacio, Frank Wu, Sheila Williams, Felix Gilman, Ginjer Buchanan,
LeAmber Kinsley, Paolo Bacigalupi, Pia Guerra, Tobias Buckell
Description: Hugo Award Rehearsal
Duration: 2:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Event
AV/Internet request: None
Notes: Each presenter and nominee should drop by for about 10 minutes
between 2 and 4 Sunday afternoon to see the layout of the stage.

When: Sun 18:00
Location: P-710A
Title: Hugo Awards Reception
Session ID: 10
All Participants: Neil Gaiman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Taral Wayne, Tom
Doherty, Julie E. Czerneda, Alan F. Beck, Aliette de Bodard, Ann
VanderMeer, Beth Meacham, Bill Willingham, Cheryl Morgan, Christopher
J. Garcia, Cory Doctorow, Darlene Marshall, Dave Howell, David Anthony
Durham, David Hartwell, Elizabeth Bear, Ellen Datlow, Emma Hawkes,
Farah Mendlesohn, Gord Sellar, Gordon Van Gelder, Guy H. Lillian III,
Jay Lake, John Helfers, John Kessel, Jonathan Strahan, Karl Schroeder,
Kathryn Cramer, Kevin J. Maroney, Kij Johnson, Lillian Stewart Carl,
Lou Anders, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mike Resnick, Nancy Kress, Neil
Clarke, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Paul Cornell, Paul Kincaid, Rev. Randy
Smith, Sean Wallace, Stephen H. Segal, Yves Meynard, Steve Green,
Steven H Silver, Sue Mason, Tony Pi, Claude Lalumière, Mike Glyer,
John Hertz, John Scalzi, Stanley Schmidt, Charles Stross, John
Picacio, Frank Wu, Sheila Williams, Felix Gilman, Ginjer Buchanan,
LeAmber Kinsley, Paolo Bacigalupi, Pia Guerra, Tobias Buckell
Description: Reception for the Hugo award nominees, presenters and
Duration: 2:00 hrs:min
Language: English
Track: Event
AV/Internet request: None


  1. Junsok Yang says:

    On a panel with not only Nancy Kress and Connie Willis, but also Melissa Auf der Maur (ex-Hole and Smashing Pumpkins?) Wow. I’m so jealous.

    1. gordsellar says:

      Ha, well, you might envy less if you were having to sit there and be interesting among all these superstars, but yeah, it is neat. :)

  2. Sheila Williams says:

    Gord, did you get the email I sent you yesterday?

    1. gordsellar says:

      Hi Sheila,

      I think my mail isn’t coming through. I’ve sent you a few since then but your responses seem to indicate you didn’t get them…

      Did the mail I sent from a different address get through?

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