Robogeisha Taken? Okay, Well…

Finally, a writing project post! I’ve had some time to get some work done on a few projects, and the ones I’ve gotten to have been coming along nicely… but I’ve also decided to tie up as many loose ends as possible (in terms of shorter writing projects) so that I can dedicate myself to writing a novel after this semester.

Anyway, I dug up an old sketch of a short story which, in the form it was originally conceived, was of very limited potential: likely mostly to succeed as a kind of in-joke for Ubuntu Linux users, involving the use of Open Source software for highly customizable sexbots. Which, I know, is the kind of story that could go wrong in sooooooo many ways.

Well, I’ve picked it up and now have a vague sense of what direction it could take, to be a really interesting story. My one complaint? The term “Robogeisha” already exists:

Because the way Japan and Korea are throwing themselves at robotics, I think it’s safe to guess the first sexbots will likely be produced in one of those two countries. And whether it’s Korea or Japan, I suspect the software is going to be, well, less than exemplary…

Ah well, I can always use the name MechaGeisha. The real problem is — how to write a mind-blowing story based on this beginning?


  1. Suje says:

    Just in case you try to view this movie, I warn you don’t do that. You will hate yourself who decided see it.

    1. gordsellar says:

      Suje, Hahahaha. You know, after you mentioned it, I found a copy but I haven’t watched it. I don’t quite dare. :) The trailer is bad enough!

  2. roboseyo says:

    Geishabot? AutoGeisha? (that’s interesting because if it’s a geisha sexbot, there’s also the hints of the word “autoerotic” in there) AutoGeishaErotic being the term for sexing with a GeishaBot, I suppose. GeishaMatic (the budget version)… or, borrowing even more heavily from Home Shopping: E-Z Geisha!

  3. Rhesus says:

    Sorry, couldn’t resist…

    GVINA – Gnome Virtualized Intererogenous Neural Architecture


    GVINA provides a high-performance and extensible framework for operating systems targeting gynobots and other types of SLTs (Sense-Logic Terminals). It is implemented in Mono, allowing easy integration with the Gnome desktop environment. It is suitable for many different purposes, from extensive networked applications designed to concurrently accommadate large groups, to minimal embedded systems for individual use.

    Released under a permissive MIT-style license, GVINA is Free Software.

    The GVINA framework consists of a neural network connecting several virtual machines. The number of VMs is dependent on the implementation. New VMs may be added depending on need and processing power. The neural network processes data exchange and task coordination between each VM, allowing for asynchronous and adaptive execution. VMs for particular services or hardware interaction may be added to the network at any time. This design allows for systems that dynamically adjust to continually changing user demands without the need for targeted code.


    The well-known Luxor Peach Blossom Garden Villa in Osaka has been running on a GVINA system for the past six years. Even with over 2000 clients a day, there have been no crashes, data loss, or severe injuries.

    1. gordsellar says:


      Good suggestions. I’ll have a think and see if I can best you. If not… I may steal one of those.


      That’s freaking brilliant and hilarious. Wish I’d written it myself. You sure you wanna leave it up here? You could probably publish it somewhere they like humorous flash fiction… :)

  4. roboseyo says:

    :) go ahead.

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