I’ve done up some labels for a few of the beers I have fermenting/conditioning now. I was lazy for the first few batches I brewed, but I want to make ’em pretty, especially the ones I’m bringing to the Brew-Off Festival in November, or giving away to friends. Writing a letter in marker on the swing-top-lid just isn’t cutting it anymore for me.
They’re test trials, really, the labels I’ve done up thus far: I haven’t printed them up and have no idea how they will actually look on the bottles. But it’s a start. I figure once I find a print shop willing to print small (20-40) runs of sticky labels, I’ll to a test printout and fit it to a bottle to get a better idea of what I want/need.
Here’s one (rough, of course, and I suspect I’ll have to crop most of the lantern on the right):