The Red Herring and Its Endless Stink

It’s amazing how foolish a person can be without realizing it. Ah, accusing people who trust to science of being arrogant. This is one we’ve seen before. It is a recurrent and utterly foolish red herring among those who believe to know mystical secrets of invisible deities, accessible only to those who have the “right” kind of faith and study the “right” ancient texts (usually as defined by elderly men in funny clothing), that studying the universe and developing models describing its physical functioning, while carefully, cautiously accepting those models only on the basis of hard evidence is a position of arrogance. …

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Blogging Pound’s The Cantos: Canto XX – XXII

This entry is part 20 of 57 in the series Blogging Pound's The Cantos

This post is one in a series of readings I’m posting of each poem in Ezra Pound’s The Cantos, one by one (so far — I may deal with a few at a time on occasion) a few at a time. These are not exactly typical readings of the poems, so much as readings I’m doing with a specific research project in mind — how to write Ezra Pound as a figure in a novel in which modernist artists, poets, and musicians secretly waged an occult war in the earlier half of the 20th century. If you’d like to know more …

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Content Offerings?

The mind-controlled masses, fighting to escape the hospital and go to the river to die.

So, people have started emailing me asking whether I’m the right person to contact about content on my website. This is relatively new, and I’m of half a mind to think it’s because of one or two plugins I’ve installed (mainly because my particular server doesn’t handle pingbacks and trackbacks very well, and I wanted to know who’s linking here). I suppose I could chalk it up to my blog having gotten just barely popular enough to get solicitations from people like this, but I’m not sure that’s the case. It seems to have started quite suddenly, which has me …

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