Here’s a double hit; a collection of crazy and funny jobs in a list, and a list of questions using “do you” to be used in question formation. This should be preceded by fifteen minutes or so of listening and practice. Then a short five to ten minute exercise where students try out the do you questions on one another, and try to form a few new questions (and follow-up questions). Then, spring the weird jobs onto them and see how they do. This works well at several levelsl; for intro-level the students can play guessing games and work on basic question formation without talking about the same damn boring stuff as last week. For intermediate students, they can ask a lot of follow-up questions. With advanced students, they can actually do some roleplay and have some fun with it.
your website is crap
your website is crap
emailed to this N Chubb character:
Dear Fucking Moron,
Thanks for your comment. I see by the way you filled out my form that you don’t have a website, or at least not the guts to share it with someone you’re criticizing.
If you did have a website, perhaps you would understand that old adage, “You can please some of the people some of the time, and most of the people most of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”
Perhaps your comment is on a piece of ESL teaching materials which you didn’t know was designed to serve that purpose when you arrived at my site and read it? My ESL teachng materials is one of the most popular parts of my site. But I also have piles of regular readers all over Asia and North America.
Where is your stable of regular readers, N Chubb? Oh, yes, I forgot, you’re too busy writing Neolithic criticisms of other peoples’ websites without exploring them beyond the first page you hit.
Obviously, my webpage was designed to interest intelligent, literatre readers who have more to say that, “This is crap”, especially about something they don’t quite understand. If you don’t like it, don’t read it. It’s quite simple, moron. It’s not like this is the Bible and your mommy is making you read it. You don’t like the site, then fuck off and read something else.
I’m not wasting any more time on you.
update: this moron was even to chicken to include a real email address. it bounced.
trolls. sad animals.
ur all fucking morons!! why am i on this site? it blows!! ur a poo miner!!!
Ah, I get it. These morons are looking for porn… “Do you”… what a bunch of idiots. Hahaha. Nasty letter mailed to Russ. We’ll see if it’s a real email address.
hey, just ignore all of those people with their lame comments. who are they anyway. i enjoyed this website. screw everyone else.
this site was boring-what the heck is so crazy about the jobs on your list??? they’re not very funny. i’m looking for entertainment, not boring crap
Dear Mandy,
Thank you for your intelligent, concise, and specific commentary. I’m not sure whether you only sampled an ESL teaching resource and decided the site was bad, happened to have a bad day and just joined in on a few rude naysayers, or what. I do know that this particular post seems to get a lot of negative commentary, while the rest of the site has a lot of traffic and a lot of positive, interested feedback. So I’m wondering… were you actually looking for ESL resources or were you just looking for porno or something?
And in my experience, the jobs list itself might not be fun and crazy, but when you have some low-medium level students trying to act out those jobs, draw pictures depicting them in a pictionary styled-game, play question games or even roleplay those jobs, it can be both fun and crazy.
I am curious, however, how you happened to come across this page, whether it was a websearch or you were looking esl tools or what. If you could post a response on my page, on this page, I’d appreciate it. I’m just dying to know what specifically brings people to this specific page and what makes them so disappointed with the content.
By the way, that rteminds me, thanks for the moral support, Dee.