Annie’s Wedding

Here I go with another rushed entry. I’m meeting my parents in about twenty minutes in the Eaton Center, hopefully successfully. Yesterday we were supposed to meet, both went to the right place, but missed one another somehow. Quite frustrating, and I got a weird feeling they didn’t believe I was there though I was, the whole damned time they were waiting for me. Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to write about.

What I wanted to write about was my sister’s wedding. It was just lovely. Not lovely in the way some people mean about weddings, where the weather was perfect, everything went according to plans, and no babies cried. Make no mistake, the setting was nice (the backyard of my sister’s in-laws country house, near a lake complete with ribbiting bullfrogs), but things did not follow plans exactly.

It was a chilly day, and everyone was a little cold outside, especially my sister the bride in her strapless bridal gown. The flowers that my sister spent several hundred dollars on —corsages and bouttonieres for the family — were all forgotten in a box in the family living room. The party was loud and I met some really strange people there, including a woman who didn’t seem to understand that mathematics was universal — “Do you teach Koreans Canadian math? I mean, I think they have their own math, right?” — and personally I had to explain what Korea is like to dozens of guests.

But what warmed our hearts in the absence of warm sunlight was the kindness of Martin (the groom’s) family. It was wonderful to meet people so nice. I usually am a little anxious and distrustful of people who are more than a little well-off, but while they’re quite obviously well-off, Martin’s family was also disarmingly sweet, friendly, and open to us. They were some of the nicest people I imagine I’ll meet in Canada this trip. It’s a happy thing to know Annie’s joined such a wonderful family.

I gave a speech at the reception, which was a little long but went over well… it wasn’t as mocking as my mother feared, either, and best of all it went over quite well, winning laughs and also a lot of good cheer at the wedding. And I managed to tell the truth about Martin’s fate as having joined our madhouse of a family.

Anyway, it was the kind of “good wedding” that to me means it signals well for the marriage to follow, and after all that’s the important thing.

Ooops, I’m out of time so I’d best save this and run off to the Eaton Centre and meet my folks.

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