It’s Not What So Many People Think It Is…

I have no idea why the ajeoshi needed to check with the picture in the menu. I said it very clearly, “Be Bim Man Du Han Na Chu Sae Yo.” It’s only five syllables, and then repeated the relevant syllables three times more: “Be Bim Man Du Yo.” I’ve said it many, many times before to people and they’ve never seemed to have a problem understanding. Koreans sitting with me always express annoyance when I order and waitresses just aren’t listening, or are too freaked out to hear a white face saying Korean words to pay attention to the words …

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Hushed Up

If anyone’s wondering why I’ve been relatively quiet, it’s because I’m currently busy with the following: Reading a friend’s manuscript for criticism. Working on two (2) short stories, one of which is still the time travel story and the other of which, a tale about some kids in a futuristic international school who run into a different set of questions about copyright, exploitation, and voyeurism. There’s other reading I’m doing some on the side, as well. I’m also trying to get into a proper exercise routine which involves swimming and cycling in decent amounts. I’m getting schooled over at the …

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