Right. You probably have noticed my posting rate has slowed down some. I intend to keep that slowdown in effect, even though I’m back from my travels. I have far too many things to do to keep blogging as extensively as I had been doing earlier in the year.
Most important now is getting my writing submitted to magazines and my novel edited and into the hands of an able, appropriate agent. And then there’s all the exercise I’ll need to do to get my health back up to where it was a year and a half ago. Plus, with the pounds upon pounds of books I hauled here from Canada, I intend to do a lot more reading and studying.
I’ll still be posting, but much less. I’ll also be culling my bloglines subscriptions soon; please don’t take it personally if I cull your blog from my list. It’s a matter of such limited time, and so much to do… and I am, I admit, so much more aware of it now than I was before.