The Crescendo

The best part of any symphonic work, in my opinion, is the big crescendo. That’s when every instrument is getting louder bit by bit, every part is getting slightly more complicated and powerful, and everything is weaving together into a Really Big Statement. Well, of course, these happen in life, too. (We would scarcely find them in music if they did not happen in life first.) These days, I’m riding the crest of a big crescendo, and thus far I’ve kept mainly ahead of it; sometimes just barely, but still ahead. Job interviews, final exams, impending camp, preparations for a …

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TV Series of Late

I’ve been working a lot on my computer lately, and what I’ve been reading away from it has tended to be so very heavy and demanding that I’ve preferred to spend my spare time viewing TV series to which I have gained access. The two I’ve watched lately have been the BBC series Peep Show (which is not what it sound like) and the American series Arrested Development.

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