The EFL-Law guy from has a radio show you can listen to online; lots of interesting listening here.
Month: December 2005
What Ever Happened to Hal Hartley?
Anyone else out there wonder sometimes whatever happened to Hal Hartley? Here are an interview at Wired and a feature at New York Metro to bring you up to speed.
Today it’s been snowing like mad all day long, so I didn’t much feel like going out. After some movie-review blogging, I settled into study of Ezra Pound — I swear, for those interested, a big update is coming with all kinds of observations on the Cantos since last time: our group has finished A Draft of XXX Cantos and is now working on Eleven New Cantos: XXXI-XLI. Somewhere in the middle of studying Pound, Lime came over and hung out, and after spending the later afternoon and evening here, I walked her to the bus stop; it was the …
The Affair of the Necklace
This is one of the funniest stories of 18th-century France that I’ve ever come across. There’s a movie, too!
The Strangest Dream
I just woke from the strangest dream. I was at a dinner party at which there were a large number of political refugees in attendance. It was a kind of international pot-luck dinner and though it was quite relaxed, not formal or stagged or anything, it seemed to me as if each person told his or her story to me (personally, individually) as I tried his or her home country’s food. To make things more interesting, all kinds of nonsensical border wars were mentioned, such as border wars between Lebanon and Afghanistan (the story, rather harrowing, was told by a …