
We’re home. Not much more to say for now. Slept till almost noon, but feel confident I’m not far off local time now. Lime’s off to the hospital to pick up where she left off. There’s about twenty days of work left for her now, and then she’ll have a short holiday, at least in […]


We’re in the United Airlines lounge in Narita Airport, in Japan. I got my wireless working, but only in Windows — still, not bad considering I only reinstalled both Windows and Ubuntu Linux on this laptop the day before we flew to Canada. I’m about to go for a wander, but first, I thought I’d […]

Poulet en Fuite

Or something. The only person who would get that in-joke doesn’t know enough French to know what it means. Anyway, Yae Rim and I have passed a good day and a half in Montreal–pigging out on foods we cannot eat in Seoul, shopping (we got some books and some winter clothes of a warmth, quality, […]