
This may well be right, though I think in the 14th century I’d be a blind, dead, once-asthmatic peasant. Most people were peasants, and I’m well aware of the kinds of health care that wasn’t available then… still, this amuses me: Your Score: The Monk You scored 18% Cardinal, 61% Monk, 41% Lady, and 40% Knight! You live a peaceful, quiet life. Very little danger comes your way and you live a long time. You are wise and modest, but also stagnant. You have little comfort, little food and have taken a vow of silence. But who needs chatter when …

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The Endless Semester Is Almost Done…

Well, other than an official grade change form — one of those grade-change requests was actually valid! — and handing in some official forms, I’m done with my work for the semester! I’ll be handing in the last of my paperwork tomorrow, including gradesheets and attendance forms, paperwork to collect my pension money from my last job — apparently you have two years to do it — and a sheet notifying Academic Affairs that I’ll be out of the country for a month this holiday. (Lime can’t travel, so I’m going alone.) I’ll be in Laos for two weeks, and …

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By the Way…

Happy new year, everyone! We had ice cream cake, pasta, and wine last night. We watched, oh, it must have been about the last half of season 2 of Carnivale today. It’s been relaxed and fun, especially aftar all the frantic scurrying of the last week or so. Tomorrow, I am back to scurrying: off to the bank to get some kind of digital something-something so that my credit card purchases and medical expenses can be applied to my taxes. And I’m going to have to make a trip to Yongsan to get a receipt updated — for some reason …

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Readings, 2007

In 2007 I read the following books: Code: italics = reread asterisk = new (to me) author (*) bold = my favorites this year exclamation mark = !unfinished strikethrough = never finished, never will Hunger by Lan Samantha Chang (*) The Comfort Women: Japan’s Brutal Regime of Enforced Prostitution in the Second World War by George Hicks (*) Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson Accelerando Charles Stross (*) Sleeping With Extra-Terrestrials: The Rise of Irrationalism and Perils of Piety, by Wendy Kaminer (*) Tatja Grimm’s World by Vernor Vinge The Koreans by Michael Breen (*) Stone by Adam Roberts Sin City …

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