Nutters in Bloom, and Comments From Today, and a Song

Wow, people on the internet are crazy. I’m not going to taunt Happy Fun Freak any more than to say that, despite temptation, except to note that when one knows absolutely nothing about a topic but insists on talking about it and pretending he does know about it, it’s absolutely clear to the people who do know something how little one actually knows.

A few comments from today which need to be preserved, from a meeting on student presentation proposals, a chat with a professor about the Ministry of Education, and a chat with a teacher in another department:

  1. “Wow! Since she’ll be visiting the Korea Sex Education Center, I hope she’ll bring condoms and distribute them to the audience!”
    “I would so give her the top mark if she did that!”
  2. “Which drunk middle-aged man wrote those guidelines, d’ya think?”
  3. “Please choose another topic that is less self-referential. ‘Students must graduate!’ is not an argument.”
  4. (Scrawled comment, scratched out:) “Please see any professor about this proposal… any professor but me!”
  5. “Midway along this road of life, / I found myself  ‘into the Holly-wood,’ / and I could not find my way back out…”
  6. “Okay, but do you know about the Fox sisters?”
  7. “My friend thinks you’re very pretty.”
    “Yes, except the makeup.”
  8. “I told them, my students: you can go to heaven and to hell!”
    “With multiple choice exams, you mean?”
    “Yes, on the multiple choice exams! Heaven and hell! Hahaha!”

Only one of those is made up. Which one do you think it is?

“Beautiful Person”:
I think I’d rather translate the title as “Beautiful One” as “Person” is so awkward in English. Anyway, nice song:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
I’m appreciating songs like this more and more as I learn to play things six-string-fangled thing. Even if it is essentially a Korean remix of “The Water Is Wide”…

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

More guitar-and-voice songs to be had here, performed by my classmate from Clarion West, Meghan Sinoff, who with Tina Connolly, taught me how to hunt for seaglass… which reminds me, I’m overdue for the second half of my trip’s summary.


  1. Bradley Tatar says:

    Are you learning to play a six string? Wow, you amaze me. I boggle at the thought of you reading students’ proposals and evaluations. I just hate grading and don’t have time for any artistic hobbies.
    On the bright side, I’m going to burn and send you some CDs that will blow away this “beautiful one” stuff. I got the Sanullim box set and MAN O MAN are they psychedelic. Also lyrics are simple enough for Korean learners like us to pick up.
    Speaking of psychedelic, is there any way I can download these Dabang Band tracks or do I have to just listen to streaming music while tethered to the computer?

  2. gordsellar says:

    I am indeed learning, though slowly. I do have a copy of The Guitar Chord Bible but I haven’t had time to consult it much.

    Mostly because I’m behind on grading too, and I have a freelance project which I should have avoided but didn’t. My fiction production and sales have been slow this year, but I’ll be free to produce more soon, and hopefully will get that groove back.

    Would like to check out some of the Sanullim, though seriously, if you rip them to MP3 and put them all on one disk it’s probably easier for both of us. I’d love to check that box set out. Could shoot some stuff your way in exchange, so you can check out more recent stuff…

    The Dabang CDs should be downloadable here and here. Just right click the track names and save the tracks to your hard drive!

  3. Dude,

    Okay, so I don’t even know enough to right click on something to download it. I feel kind of incompetent. But happy to have the downloads.

    I need the tracks to listen to on the 3 hour bus ride from Ulsan to Daejeon and back again. Endless fields of golden rice pass my eyes much better with some freakout music on the ears.

    How can a whole box set fit on one CD, Gord? I mean, it’s only 700 puny megabytes. I guess you have the know-how.

    I’m surprised that your fiction production has slowed this year, as I seem to spot some new items on the right hand side of this website. It looks to me as if you’re cooking right along.

    1. gordsellar says:


      Um… on your mouse, there are two buttons. The right button, when you click on a link, should bring up a menu with some options like to “save link target as…” You can download things that way.

      A box set can fit on a single CD or DVD if you rip it to MP3 first before burning it. iTunes, among many other applications, will do that for you! And yeah, my fiction production has slowed, but publications continue, slowly. There will be a shortage of publications the first half of next year — it takes time for this sort of thing to become visible, though.

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