So Rob at has organized a homebrewing SMaSH-off festival. If you’re not a homebrewer, you likely have no idea what SMaSH means, but it’s simple:
It’s a special kind of challenge that homebrewers take upon themselves, to keep things simple, and focus on their brewing techniques, instead of mucking about adding extra grains or other stuff for effects.
Anyway, there are two parts to the event: the first half is for the brewers, who will sample one anothers’ beer and and talk shop.That’s already booked solid, but for most readers, unless you’re a homebrewer and was completely unaware, that probably wouldn’t be where you’d want to go.
The second half, though, is a public, free event starting at 3pm. At that time, anyone and everyone is welcome — yes, including you — to come and sample the beers. The sampling is free. That doesn’t mean it’s a free all-you-can-drink thing, of course. We’ll be sharing out the different brews. It does mean, though, that you can come and taste — sample — a bunch of beers that you’d otherwise never taste in Korea — or maybe anywhere.
Just be warned: supplies are limited, and this is about tasting the different beers, not sitting down with pints of free homemade beer.
The event is being held at Gecko’s in Jukjeon. Here’s the poster (click to see larger size):
…and you can find more information on the homebrewkorea forum, or at the Home Brew Korea Facebook page.
I hope to see you there. Yes, I will be there — I’m entering a beer in the competition — that is, if it turned out not-messed-up: I’m bottling my little batch in a few minutes, so we’ll see.
UDPATE: Well, and I just bottled my entry. I got 8L in total from my little batch, which is less than I was hoping — and one of those bottles only got filled because I was willing to let some of the yeast cake get into it, yuck! (I won’t be entering that bottle, don’t worry.)
Since the beer I enter will be a little green, I’m going to save the last two bottles to see how the recipe turns out when properly aged. Right now, there isn’t enough sourness, and since I hopped it lightly to let the sourness shine, er, it’s a bit plain.
But whatever… I’m still learning. And I made frigging beer.
Now, to plan my next batch.
Looking forward to the event :) Two questions for you, if you don’t mind:
What sort of investment did you need for making beer (e.g. specialized equipment, anything beyond consumable purchases)?
This place looks a bit remote – any better directions?
Well, I started with a few hundred dollars’ worth of stuff, but you can start for less. A lot of the guys brewing in Korea seem to prefer to do it on the shoestring, and one can get the gear necessary for very much less indeed. There’s an answer of sorts for you on this thread of the Homebrewkorea forum, actually, where someone outlines a basic brewing gear kit for about
65,000(oops!) 78,000 won.As for how to get to Gecko’s in Jukjeon — it does indeed look remote. Here’s the location on Google Maps — hopefully you can get a trip planner with the “Get Directions” function on that page.
Homebrewkorea brings me to a “techfans” site. Its impossible to find this elusive website. (I dont have a facebook account)
Yeah, Homebrew Korea unfortunately is defunct, and someone bought the URL to use as a redirect for that techfans webpage. (There was a site for a while, run by Rob Titley, and it had a really great discussion forum. Like so many other great sites, it petered out and shut down around the time Facebook got popular and a member launched the Seoul Homebrew group on Facebook.) As far as I know, there isn’t even a backup of the forum available anywhere, which is kind of too bad: it’d provide a nice snapshot of just how tough it was to get homebrew supplies in Korea (unless you knew someone who knew someone). People were experimenting with malted Korean barley of the type sold in Emart, which… yeah, not usable for brewing. (One guy even malted his own barley here, which actually kind of worked, but seemed like it wasn’t worth the hassle, even though it did produce barley with a very distinctive—and not bad—flavor.)
As far as socializing with fellow homebrewers in Korea online, I don’t do it much anymore, and that’s partly because Facebook is the place where it happens. (I have a Facebook account, but use it very infrequently, so I understand your reticence about the site.)