Reading Nobilis 2nd Edition (The “Great White Book”) and The Game of Powers

First, a brief note. This post is one that sat unpublished on my blog since 2019—one of many such posts. For some reason, after having a kid, I kept writing blog posts, but stopped publishing them. I’ve decided to revisit and publish some of those old languishing posts, because why not? They’re a mixed bag of topics, but include a lot of reviews of RPG books I’ve accumulated over the years.  So, well, anyway, everything beneath the line is something I wrote five years ago. I still haven’t had a chance to play Nobilis, and suspect I never will get …

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Site Remodeled

I didn’t post about it, but last week I changed the theme for my site and cut a bunch of deadweight junk from the sidebar. I think the website looks a lot better now, though I still want to build a static front page for when people stumble onto it via Google. (However rarely that happens, for now.) I also need to rethink the navigation menus, and how some of the information accessible through them isn’t organized quite how I’d like… but that’s not so much of a priority right now, especially since I’m going to have to spend countless …

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Despite what I’d heard from friends, sleeping with an APAP machine (like a CPAP machine) has not really brought on a welter of nocturnal weirdness: most nights when I sleep, I may dream but I don’t recall much, if anything. I’d say the frequency for my remembering dreams has risen from maybe once a year to maybe once every three months or so.  Last night was a little different, though. 

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Practice Log, 1-7 August 2024

This entry is part 15 of 18 in the series 2024 Practice Log

Although I started getting physiotherapy for my back problem, I’ve still managed to be quite consistent with practicing over the past week, though I had to miss a couple of days—one due to my wife’s schedule, and another due to inability to book the practice room when I was available.  I’ve continued with the Ferling studies and also working my way through the altissimo fingerings in the Larry Teal. I should be doing a couple of altissimo fingering charts for myself soon, one for alto and one for tenor. (I haven’t started working on that on my bari yet.) When …

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